Kimbra Audrey, an American artist based in Paris, France, found her creative calling amidst the challenges of the fashion industry. While venturing into modeling as a teenager, she quickly grew disillusioned promoting so much inauthenticity and working in an industry that was not in alignment with her values. As an antidote, she turned to self-portraiture, capturing her genuine self as a form of therapy and empowerment. Having dealt with depression throughout her life, Kimbra has consistently woven the significance of mental health awareness into her work. Her unique approach involves shooting exclusively on film, celebrating the inherent, authentic beauty that arises from this medium. She develops and prints her work in her home dark room, experimenting with making her own low-toxic, sustainable, plant-based film chemistry. Embracing over a decade-long vegan lifestyle, Kimbra actively champions sustainability and ethical living. In a pivotal turn, her journey took a challenging twist when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2022 which has become the primary focus of her work, documenting her experience and raising awareness.
Kimbra has exhibited work at Paris Photo 2024 + 2023, Photo Brussels 2024, Rencontres d’Arles 2023 and Rotterdam Photo 2021.
Available for special requests.
Modeling - Marilyn Agency
Image Licensing - Kintzing